What's the point of doing this ? Do you feel happy ? Do you feel like everybody owned you something ? Are you telling to the whole world that you actually win ? Are you satisfied now ?
Maybe I should tell you something. When you hope for something bad happen towards us, and you succeed, do you think we will cry like babies ? We won't. I'm sure of that. Yeah, maybe we will cry, because we cry for happiness, we cry because it gives the feeling of appreciate because we had a great time spending with each other. If it really failed, we will scold by others, so what ? Any human in this world will done something wrong. Just, are they doing their best or just hanging around. We love to be together, no matter how far we apart, how often we argue, how deep we hate each other, but still we are together. Together, we spend our leisure time, together, we have tons of fun, together,we learn new things, and together, we laugh, we enjoy everything.
By the way, that's our life. Since you dragged yourself to the hell, the scariest hell.